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There were two concepts hidden in "Infinitely Small", you won if you found these two ideas. After many proposals, including those from the scientific community, no one managed to find them. Here they are:
1 – The Fibonacci sequence in the spacing of the white circles
2 – The ratio of the sum of the circumference of the periods of the atoms, is equal to the ratio of the length of a Parsec (3.2 light years), on the distance Earth-Sun (150 million kilometers), used to calculate the Parsec.

Infiniment Petit

    • Title: Infinitely Small
    • Artist: Paul Royaux
    • Series: Two Infinites
    • Technique: Ink / acrylic
    • Size: 120 x 120 cm
    • Year: 2023
    • Shipping costs not included
    •  Frame included
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